Bienvenidos, welcome to Anneseye, my musings & images of life's awakening moments - when you suddenly see things in a different way. These are opportunities for learning, laughing, connection and love. Come take a peek...
‘Mom and N, is that you?’ My voice awakens me from a dream, the image of them plain as day.
elevator door has opened – a man gets on and his back is too me – but I
could see Mom with the baby in her arms. She looked so happy. They both
glanced over at me smiling, then the door shut and the elevator arrow
dinged for down. They were going out to play in the park.
‘But I missed them and miss them,’ I think, coming out of my sleepy stupor, rubbing tears from my eyes.
saw a close-up of my nephew on Facebook the other day, his first day of
kindergarten. ‘Where has the time gone,’ my sister-in-law wrote, and I
could hear her dry, Texas lament in the post on the screen. N wore a
striped polo buttoned up to the top. He had a big boy haircut, a little
punk, no more blond bowl, shaven close on the side and a shelf of mousy
brown bangs combed long to the side. A sly cat ate the mouse grin hid a
hint of trepidation. His faced had slimmed and his eyes had become
decidedly his mother’s since I last saw him, Scandinavian wide-set and
slightly slanty. Exotic-looking.
It’s been two years, a third of
that kid’s life, since I’d last seen him, at my mother’s funeral, when
the weight of the sibling shame and blame and rivalry was too much for
the worn connections to bear. My mother was the hub in a hub-spoke
relationship and once she was gone we were nothing but a warped and
useless wheel.
So on that hot August day in Peoria two summers ago I lost all of them. The elevator door closed and went down without me.
the Doldrums today, I’m breaking ‘Ordinance 175389-J: It shall be
unlawful, illegal and unethical to think, think of thinking, surmise,
presume, reason, meditate or speculate while in the Doldrums.’ It would
carry a heavy sentence, off to the dungeon for Milo, of Phantom
Tollbooth fame, if he didn’t stop at once.
But I bend around the rule and write.
have a tummy ache that reminds me of being back in Mexico. A water main
broke on the block and the last trickle drained out at dawn. Now every
time I pull the handle in the kitchen I’m reminded how dependent I am.
I awoke way to early this morning for my own good and fell into writing about Mom’s cancer.
‘Change it up, let the Muse lead you by the hand,’ though sometimes she takes me down some pretty dark paths.
ain’t no Dictionopolis. (That’s Milo’s first stop on his journey out of
the Doldrums where he and his dog Tock learn to play with their words.)
Martin, my handyman, arrives around noon carrying his massive tool box,
ready to install my new ceiling fan, I am just arriving at my aunt’s
house in Peoria. There I find my mother a shadow of herself, honestly
like part of her had already left the body and was hovering above us.
dropped my bags at the threshold and dropped to my knees before her,
grasping around her legs to keep her on this earth. When I rested my
head in her lap, she stroked my hair and said: ‘I’m glad you’re here,
Is that the moment I started to call her Mama?
No, not yet.
doctors had said three to six months which we collectively took to mean
six months, still not much, but we wanted all we can get. Though the
moment I’d entered the room and saw her sitting, back to me in the easy
chair, her once broad shoulders narrowed and frail, a halo of lamplight
illuminating silvery strands of hair, I knew it could only be weeks.
aunt didn’t seem to notice a thing. Then again, she’d been along with
Mom on the chemo ride from the beginning and maybe she couldn’t see the
decline in the gradual day-to-day.
‘Doesn’t she look good?’ Aunt M
called down the spiral staircase that led from the open kitchen and
living space down to the guest suite of her converted coach house. ‘She
took a shower and got all cleaned up for you.’
‘Yes, she does.’ I
got up from the ground, having resisted letting tears fall onto the
knees of Mom’s drawstring pants. ‘Hair looks nice, Mom.’
She smiled back weakly, unconvinced. ‘M blew it out for me, what’s left of it.’
muted the damn TV, another ISIS ambush on a town called Mosul, and took
in my surroundings. The slight scent of cigarette smoke in the air, a
habit all the sisters but Mare had been able to kick. This aunt, a
retired art deal, had an impeccable eye. Every inch of the place was
perfectly appointed, a combination of antiques and moderns, books and
tiny lamps and Persian throw rugs on the wood floors – tiny succulent
plants and pots of herbs perched on the sills, classical music wafting
down from the living room stereo – Bloody Mary’s being concocted on the
circular marble bar above us with stalks of celery and generous wedges
of lime on rim.
I loved coming to Peoria, even though it was a
‘podunk town’ according to Mom. It wasn’t our family home and it wasn’t
Washington, but Peoria had become a hub over the years of visits,
especially since Mom had invested in a little house around the corner
from her sister in the historic Moss Avenue district.
‘Or you could have a Bloody Maria, you know, with tequila,’ my aunt’s voice called out over the Bach.
Aunt M, with her socialite gene, knew how to make even the dying days festive.
‘What about you, Ro? A Clamato on the rocks.’
Mom nodded, her eyelids resting shut, and I called up for her.
Mom whispered, gray-blue eyes fixed on me. ‘It’s the only thing my body
seems to tolerate these days. Craves the lycopene for some strange
Mom was talking about her body as though it were already separate from her.
The workers are still working, the break is serious, the hole is deep, I’m out of the Doldrums.
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