One shock to my
transitional system came early on, while I was still in Texas. I’d made it across the
border and was staying in Austin with my brother and his family for a few weeks, waiting-out winter in the Northeast. This happy, care-free music town would serve as a sort of decompression chamber before the final leg to DC and the tidal wave to come.
Via email I
received a note announcing the passing of my beloved grad school professor,
Charlie Seashore. He was one of the ones
who’d nudged me to take the Peace Corps plunge – and I was looking
forward to sharing with him how the Organization Development tools, many of
which I’d learned from him, served me in the work of sustainable community
They not only served,
I intended to tell him; they saved my tocino
in Mexico! And boy did I have some
stories to share.
But it was too
late. I would arrive home just in time
to participate in the memorial service.
Jumping ahead to March, bracing myself
against the bone chill of a belated Washington winter, more bad news came by
email: Charles' beloved wife, Edie, had
also died; in the midst of planning her late husband’s memorial service she’d
had a sudden heart-attack.
Edie was the Number
One of the two-man husband-wife teaching team. She wore the pants in the
family and Charlie wore the suspenders.
Like me, Edie was a Pisces and an ENTJ – one of the
Myers-Briggs ‘born leaders.’ She was a
tough cookie and as sweet as one too.
Like a pair of doves, Edie and Charlie were in synchronicity till the end.
We would now be celebrating both their lives at the memorial service in
Columbia, Maryland.

Was I ready to
have my ass kicked by such an alternative, humanistic view?
One of the basic
underpinnings of the program of Organization Development, inspired by the
forefathers of field, Kurt Lewin and Ron Lippitt, was a concept (and practice)
called ‘Use of Self.’
I was so resistant
to the term – it seemed meaningless to me. But it finally started to sink-in in
Bethel, Maine, where the Seashores ran a one-week residential course for each
AU/NTL grad program cohort called the Human Interaction Lab.
We were warned in
advance that our participation in this course would make or break our OD
I was cautiously
optimistic for a breakthrough in Bethel.
And from the moment
I met Charlie and Edie, I sensed the possibility – if I was willing to do the
On that introductory day, they talked about ‘holding the space’ for us to learn from each other – that we were a lab of learning unto ourselves – and their job was as guide.
On that introductory day, they talked about ‘holding the space’ for us to learn from each other – that we were a lab of learning unto ourselves – and their job was as guide.
Ah, was that Use of
As the week
progressed, I could see how Charlie and Edie pushed our buttons – asking
provocative questions – modeling communication tools such as Feedback – how to
give and receive it so it could be heard – which we learned was a little
different than giving someone a piece of
your mind. It was actually about giving someone a little piece of your heart.
Edie and Charlie
demonstrated using role plays and made it look easy. They successfully used in in their marriage and
in their consulting business. It was a versatile tool. They showed us that most
communication is based on assumptions which are oftentimes incorrect; and if we
‘owned’ our feelings and ‘checked’ our assumptions, sharing them with the other person
versus jumping to conclusions, we could transform our conversations and our
relationships – even the world, they contended.
We paired-up and practiced
with each other. We were so sloppy and unskillful the Seashores kept boxes of
Kleenex around the room for when the ‘feedback’ reverted back to the comfort
zone of blame and shame. They had 30
years of experience with this – we were just infants.
Charlie would observe
from outside the circle, watching your brow furrow, your nose crinkle up,
perhaps even your eyes redden like you were ready to explode. ‘Lookout, here comes another learning
opportunity,’ he would interject at just the right moment. As you sat on the precipice of a revelation, he
gave you a kind little nudge.
Edie and Charlie
helped us laugh at ourselves – we were breaking deep-seeded patterns – even
shifting societal norms.
Was THIS Use of Self?
As the week in
Bethel progressed, I started tapping into something – an insidious fear I had
never faced: the fear I would become my father – that I was
destined for the same path he took – work-aholism, alcoholism, isolation and
alienation, and a complete lack of self-awareness or responsibility to take
measures to remedy his own situation. It was all about a rational solution to a
problem – a PhD probability – yet his irrationality was over the top. And I was him!
Why were we doing
this? This wasn’t grad school. This was therapy! What could this possibly teach
me that would be good for my career?
‘But you are not your father, Anne,’ one of my peers reflected back.
‘You’re here, you’re doing this work.’
It may seem
obvious; but it hit me like truck - or washed over me like a cleaning waterfall - not only the truth that I couldn’t
see about myself – but the power of the group process to heal.
THIS was Use of Self.
A door opened in
Bethel that would lead to where I am today. More than ten years later, now a
returned Peace Corps volunteer, I was willing to step out of the comfort zone
and able to take a risk to serve.
Use of Self as
instrument of change means by merely ENTERING the system you change it. With it comes power and responsibility.
In Mexico, Use of
Self was about humility – admitting I had no clue – that my Master of Science
credential and first-world advantages were going to get me only so far in such
unknown territory.
Realizing this, tapping
in to my use of self over time, I became empowered. People sought-out my assistance – even looked
to me for guidance – and I was able to bring the Viva Viveros project to fruition. In collaboration with the women
of two rural and indigenous communities I helped to develop micro-business of
native plants – transforming neighbors into empowered cooperatives, seeds into sales into oxygen for the planet.
I hoped to come
back to DC and share my success story with Edie and Charlie – but instead I
share it with you.
As Edie was fond of saying: The Universe provides.
Thanks, Edie and
Charlie, for your lessons. I carry them with me through this Transition.
Anne, what a lovely and fitting tribute to these two amazing elders. I'm sorry you never got the chance to tell them all you learned. But thank you for telling us.
ReplyDeleteAnne....The day I went to American University to learn about their OD graduate program, what made me want really hard to go to their program was the Human interaction lab!
ReplyDeleteI "knew" this would be the guided experience I needed for understanding, learning and putting boundaries on my unstructured "use of the self"..
I couldn't make it to AU program, and I was really sad. I've tried to learn through my own laboratory, you know that.
Edie was right "the universe provides' provided our friendship and the way we share what we've learned in different laboratories...who would say i would learn what they taught in that program through a freind? Life IS wonderful, and everything comes in the right way, the right moment...
Such a beautiful way to say bye to a friend...
Beautiful tribute to the Seashores by modeling your Use of Self - sharing your journey! Well done!
ReplyDeleteWonderful captured Edie and Charlie perfectly. My experience with Use of Self week was not nearly as poignant, due to drama within the cohort and within the program. Regardless, I got a glimpse of how special Edie and Charlie were. And I remember on the last day Edie sought me out to share some special words with me that let me know that despite the dysfunction of the week, she had tracked each of us and instinctively knew what I needed to hear. Use of Self is my most important takeaway from the program.