Today I focus on being present to what I am doing in the moment...which is everything! Making a million tiny little decisions on what stays and what goes. Room to room, chore to chore, thought to thought – bumping into myself going and coming. Bumping into Mom who herself is inert with confusion.
She gives me moral support and encouragement to toss out my ten years of corporate accumulation: pre-Paperless Era bank statements, receipts, warranties, summary reports, training course binders, contracts, two boxes of travel info, maps, brochures, organized by state and country. It’s all on the Web. It’s a different era. It makes me feel old.
But I decide I am the Peaceful Warrior, combating clutter and the status quo. And most importantly, letting go of some picture perfect transition. All my ducks will not be in a row – I’m never gonna make it, no matter how hard I try. In fact, my wallet was stolen in the Target yesterday; so I’ve got new tasks to add to my to-do list, including: DMV!
The Peaceful Warrior relinquishes to the Gods of Chaos.
The Peaceful Warrior is going to the dump today with her mom. First load: old toilet, 5 file boxes of paper, 8 rusted cans of paint, my 1982 Sony portable Trinitron, hefty bag of three-ring binders.
As I unclutter my life I make space for what’s really important.
(That sticky note mantra has been tacked to my wall for the last year; now I think I know what it means.)
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